"Be Your Own Hero" is a series of programs initiated by First Lady Mellisa Santokhi-Seenacherry. This program features strong women who went through a dark period in their lives. This…
Institute of the First Lady of Suriname
"Be Your Own Hero" is a series of programs initiated by First Lady Mellisa Santokhi-Seenacherry. This program features strong women who went through a dark period in their lives. This…
There is a well-known proverb: “After rain comes sunshine”. We all go through dark times, but we have to keep pushing ourselves to get out of those. And no one…
There is a well-known proverb: “After rain comes sunshine”. We all go through dark times, but we have to keep pushing ourselves to get out of those. And no one…
Een bekend spreekwoord luidt: “Na regen komt zonneschijn”. Wij gaan allemaal wel door een donkere periode, maar we moeten onszelf de push blijven geven om uit elke donkere periode te…
Een bekend spreekwoord luidt: “Na regen komt zonneschijn”. Wij gaan allemaal wel door een donkere periode, maar we moeten onszelf de push blijven geven om uit elke donkere periode te…
There is a well-known proverb: “After rain comes sunshine”. We all go through dark times, but we have to keep pushing ourselves to get out of those. And no one…