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Virtual webinar in collaboration with WIN and BNEW

  • Post last modified:November 15, 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

In collaboration with Women at Intel Network (WIN) and the Intel Corporation’s Black Network of Executive Women (BNEW), the Institute of the First Lady organized a virtual webinar for Surinamese women and women in the Caribbean. It has been an honor for the First Lady to host this webinar.

The following have been discussed:

– The promotion of women in leadership positions; what can be done to promote the advancement of women into leadership positions?

– What resources do we currently have at our disposal for progress?

The participating women also shared their experiences in this area.

Women in leadership positions continue to face challenges. We must continue to make progress to ensure that women have the opportunities they need to reach their full potential and that we as women are ready to do this work.

It was a successful webinar and the First Lady thanked all participants. She hopes this is the start of a great bond and that we discuss these topics more often.