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First Lady Santokhi elected Chair SCLAN

  • Post last modified:June 20, 2024
  • Reading time:1 mins read

On Thursday, December 7, 2023, during a virtual meeting, the First Lady was elected Chair of the Spouses of CARICOM Leaders Action Network (SCLAN) and Ann Marie Davis, Spouse of the Prime Minister of the Bahamas, Vice-Chair. On Wednesday, March 14, the First Lady will travel to Miami for the official handover of the chairmanship by Mrs. Rossana Briceño, Spouse of the Prime Minister of Belize, who has served as Chair of the SCLAN for the past two years.

“It is my pleasure to lead this organization for the next two years. I would like to thank the outgoing President Briceño for her services. I look forward to a good collaboration with the new Vice Chairman and the rest of the team and together we will breathe new life into the organization.”