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Ambassador Virjanand Depoo presented his credentials

  • Post last modified:January 30, 2024
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Ambassador Virjanand Depoo of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana presented his credentials to President Chandrikapersad Santokhi today, Wednesday 23 November. This took place at the Presidential Palace. At the presentation of his credentials, the First Lady was able to meet his wife, Mrs. Sandra Depoo-Jagdhar.

“Mrs. Depoo and I discussed the bond between Suriname and Guyana, the various interfaces from which both countries can benefit and the plans for the future. Suriname and Guyana have long maintained a friendly relationship with each other.”

The First Lady wishes ambassador Virjanand Depoo every success during his term of office and she hopes that the ties between Suriname and Guyana can be further strengthened.