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52 years of Grassalco

  • Post last modified:December 14, 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Grassalco N.V. exists 52 years! A special day for this Surinamese company, which has had challenging years. But thanks to the ‘Grassalco family’ and the efforts of the staff, this company is now experiencing better times. During a pleasant get-together, First Lady Mellisa Santokhi-Seenacherry was allowed to convey a congratulatory message to management, staff and personnel on behalf of President Chandrikapersad Santokhi.

In a cozy and informal atmosphere, the director, Wesley Rozenhout, discussed the many challenges the company has faced. He thanked the staff for their efforts and contribution so far and called on them to continue to put their shoulders to the wheel.

On the occasion of the 52nd anniversary, jubilees of this company were also honored. These employees have given their strength to this company for years and, together with colleagues, have been an important link in the process of making the company healthy again.

Also on behalf of the president, the First Lady congratulated the management, staff and staff of Grassalco N.V. on this day and on to greater successes.