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Storytime O.S. 1 Meerzorg

  • Post last modified:December 12, 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

On Thursday, March 09, first lady Mellisa Santokhi-Seenacherry was allowed to read the story of Johan and Jerry in the third class of Public School 1 Meerzorg, from the book “The fishing adventure”. These two boys went boating, fishing and camping for the first time. Before they left home, they promised to be careful and always stay close to daddy. In the forest, after fishing, they take pictures of all the beautiful animals. Because they found it so exciting, they completely forgot about their appointment and went far into the forest anyway.

Reading is good for brain development and increases your vocabulary. It is therefore important that children learn to read from an early age. Let’s read more together and continue to encourage our children to develop.