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Virtual meeting gender-based violence

  • Post last modified:December 12, 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

On Tuesday, March 14, as a board member, first lady Mellisa Santokhi-Seenacherry attended a virtual meeting initiated by Dionne Regis of the Commission on the Status of Women NGO/NY Forum on the topic “Building Resilience and Mental Health in Girls and Women in the Caribbean region”. The first part consisted of an information session on discrimination and gender-based violence in the Caribbean. This was followed by a mutual discussion between the board and other attendees. The first lady was allowed to share her experience and perspectives on women’s issues in particular in the CARICOM region.

The purpose of the discussion was not just to have a productive conversation but more to raise awareness about the challenges Caribbean girls and women face as a result of gender-based violence, emotional trauma and stereotyped gender norms resulting from a dominant patriarchal society that is reflected in families, media, education and societal values.

The first lady met Dionne Regis during her visit to Columbia University Teachers College in New York last September. It was a real honor for her to be invited to this virtual meeting. It was a real honor for her to be invited to this virtual meeting. Dr. Judy Kuriansky, professor from Columbia University, also participated in the zoom.

The first lady hopes that with the help of this board, inspiring female activists and leaders will come together to reflect on projects and activities to promote change for young women in the region.