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PANEL DISCUSSION Global CSR Foundation and Rotary International

  • Post last modified:December 21, 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

First Lady keynote speaker during panel discussion Global CSR Foundation and Rotary International

During the 28th edition of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, First Lady Mellisa Santokhi-Seenacherry was a keynote speaker during a panel discussion organized by Global CSR Foundation and Rotary International. The theme was: Climate Crisis and Health of Women and the Girl Child: A Gender Perspective. In her statement she discussed, among other things, the effects of climate change on women and girls in the interior. In addition, human actions also increase these effects, because our actions have an effect on the climate.

During the panel discussion, specific examples were given of the effects of climate change on women and girls worldwide and how we can reduce these effects or make them a thing of the past. The aim was to raise awareness of the topic and build partnerships and collaborations. Because only together can we tackle this problem.

“I found the panel discussion very enlightening and necessary, also because it expanded our view of the influences in the world. Let us work together and reduce the negative effects of climate change together.” #Love