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Motivational session Nickerie

  • Post last modified:December 14, 2023
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Motivation session should teach Nickerie children to empower themselves

On Thursday, August 17, a motivation session was held in the Nickerie district with more than 70 children. This session was done from the Institute of the First Lady together with UNICEF Suriname and was conducted by child and youth psychologists Juljo Cruden and Miquel Ommel. During this session, the program “How We Feel”, which is already being recorded in Paramaribo, was also officially launched. Through this program, children and adolescents are taught to talk about their feelings at all times.

The kids were really good . The First Lady was very impressed by their enthusiasm and they spontaneously joined the exercises. During one of the exercises, the children had to write down different affirmations and then put them in a bag. The purpose of this bag is: every moment they experience a negative emotion, which can be anger, sadness, disappointment, etc., they take a piece of paper from their bag, read what they have written down and draw strength from this to feel better again. Through this exercise she has been able to see for herself how positively children can think about themselves, and it is the intention that we continue to stimulate this. The motivation session was a success, and the First Lady would like to thank everyone who contributed to its success. The motivation session was a success, and the First Lady would like to thank everyone who contributed to its success. A special word of thanks to UNICEF, with whom she is running this program.