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Introductory visit Judy Kpogho

  • Post last modified:December 12, 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

On Wednesday, March 15, Ms. Judy Kpogho, Deputy Ambassador of UK for Suriname, paid a courtesy and introductory visit to first lady Mellisa Santokhi-Seenacherry. Together with her were Tianna Graham – Political / Press and Public Affairs Officer and Keron Hercules – Executive Assistant / Project Officer / Chevening Officer & IT Support Officer.

It was a fruitful conversation in which Ms. Kpogho and the first lady discussed possibilities and ways of working together from her position. They also talked about various projects that she carries out from her institute and where she could use her support.

The first lady looks forward to working with Ms. Kpogho on behalf of the United Kingdom.