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ICT training for girls from homes

  • Post last modified:December 12, 2023
  • Reading time:4 mins read

In connection with the International Women’s Day and the International Day for Girls in ICT 2023, which were commemorated on March 8 and April 27 respectively, the Gender Affairs Bureau (BGA) of the Ministry of the Interior and the Telecommunication Authority of Suriname ( TAS), with the support of the Institute of the First Lady, organized an ICT training for 22 girls from 3 children’s homes in the 10-14 age group. This includes the ICT training courses Coding I and II, which are provided by the Children’s University of Suriname. The kick-off was on Saturday, April 29, 2023 and the training will last until June 17, 2023.

With this activity, the BGA wants to contribute to one of the long-term goals of the Gender Vision Policy Document 2021-2035, namely: “to increase the use of innovative technology, in particular information and communication technology, to achieve greater empowerment of women ( SDG 5B)”. Involving girls in the creation of digital content at a young age can help create positive images of women, promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment.

The first lady thinks it is commendable that the BGA and the TAS have initiated this project. Let’s inspire the next generation of women and empower them to chase their dreams and contribute to a better world for us all. She wished the young ladies the best of luck with this training.